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Jay Lethal escreve poema para Randy Savage.

Jay Lethal, um dos maiores fãs de Macho Man Randy Savage, que faleceu nesta ultima sexta-feira, escreveu um poema , para Savage, Lethal sempre teve uma gimmick de ''Black Machismo'' inspirado em Savage, o poema original em inglês, é este:

You were a tower of power that was too sweet to be sour,You were funky like a monkey every minute of every hour.For you, space was the place and time distortion had to be,And your fans here on earth wanted the madness for eternity.You met every challenge with fists clinched and face to face,You even fought and defeats dragons and snakes.Flying off the ropes with an elbow drop,There was no way you could ever be stopped.Identifiable by your voice alone,Even being Dubbed the macho king while you sat on your throne.We hung on your words with interviews memorable and classic,And we knew it was serious when you took off your glasses.I promise not to lose you in the sands of time,For you will always be that all time hero of mine.

''Macho Man'' Randy Savage, morreu em um acidente de carro na última sexta-feira, Macho Man, teve um ataque cardíaco, perdeu o controle e se chocou contra uma árvore.
O Backyard Wrestling Brazil, não conseguiu atualizar as notícias da morte de Savage, pois, o postador (que sou eu) nao teve tempo...

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